Friday, November 19, 2010

I want to die because of a cat/kitten (Aww !)

I found this article, I don't know where, I don't remember la ! Haha ! Sorreh ;(
It says, "Bla,bla,bla !" Nah..kidding ! Wait, I find !!

Found it, here..

I have a lot of stray cats around my home who I feed. And I also used to feed one female kitten named Mozzarella since she was born. And she was with me for around 4 months, she wasn't ill and she was loved and happy. She was there every day whenever I came to feed them. Now she's gone for 10 days, and every other cat and kitten is not missing. I feel guilty, I cry almost a whole day. I keep calling her, searching, looking through the window. I'm sure she's dead or something. I don't want to live without her, if she's come back I would take her to my flat, and never let her go away again. But I know she won't be back, and that's killing me. I'm sad, desperate, want to kill myself. I also try to be happy with other cats, but nothing is helping me. What to do, shall I kill myself? I see no point in life now. I know this might be sick, but I'm mad about animals, I see them as a family and I would die and do anything for them. I can't get over it. Death is the only way. Please help.

Answer : Yeah, I think you should die xD

Well, that was a sad story ! Thanks to Adlyn for the article. You rock dude !! Joking ;)

But, I really think it's a really cool story. I don't know if it's real. Maybe just needs some publicity !!! :O

I'm out of time so I guess this is