Monday, November 22, 2010

SHIT !!!

Damn ! My sister said she would go to her KMPH or how is it spelled, I don't care. But credits to her also, thank you for not kidnapping the laptop. I would go M-A-A-A-A-A-D ! If I don't have this pretty 'baby', la da da !

The traumatized thing was real. But, I took care of it by playing games and by that. My mind is full of games :)
So, I can sleep well. Before I sleep. I read my manga from Shogakukan Inc.
Credits to them for making my traumatized get gone. :D

Credits to the game also, :)
Appreciate it for making my traumatize-ing gone for awhile. Everynight it comes to haunt me. I mean like "Fuck ! Get lost, suck a dick. Don't haunt me !" Bad ? I know !

People also call me 'abang', 1st graders and 2nd graders at my lil' sis's school always say, "Oh ! Abang handsome dah datang !!" I was like, "Huh ? Abang ?" But I kept my mouth shut. Oh, of course ! They call 'abang' was because I wore like this-;

Okay, looks like a girl, wrong picture la weyhh !
Duhh ! Cannot find the picture la, adehh ! But the above looks alike la,
I wore baggy shorts, a t-shirt, sneakers and a cap. Because it was so hot out there. I'm not like any other girls that loves to put heavy make-ups on, no way ! I hate lipstick, but eyeliners..
:D Good choice !

Another topic is, what's an advice ?
Haha ! Of course, right...when I mean advice, nasihat to people I kept thinking, I don't listen to advice myself as well. Do I ? I was like, "Hahah ! Who cares ? Kurang-kurang, aku sedar diri !" Unlike those fully whorey bitches out there that keeps putting make-ups in the toilet. Duhh ! Fuck them, I gave advices like this, "Why do you like make-up so much. Even if you have a boyf. It wouldn't last long if you keep going to the toilet and asking him, 'Do I look pretty ?' Sheez !" Of course, here's some big sisterly advice, JAUHI MAKE-UP !! Haha :)

Second is, TYPOS !!
I seyesly hate typos, because..if I wake up and didn't even have my bath just yet, typos would happen. When there are alot of typos, I was like..."FUCK ! What did I even spell ?" and I hate typos, I also hate it when people uses this kind of sentence, "Would you bwuy mwe a shwirt ?" That is not typo, that is on purpose ! And when it is on purpose. I mean real purpose !!! I hate typos, WHY YOU NO KILL YOURSELF !!

Okay, so I guess my hand is back to cramping, sheesh ! Scared if I broke my arm D:
See you later, after this post and my hand is better,